
How to Start a Startup in India?

How to Start a Startup in India

Startup is a small business, usually newly established, founded by one or several individuals. Its distinguishing feature is its focus on innovation, providing a product or service that is different from what is currently available.

This might involve creating something entirely new or applying a fresh approach to an existing solution.

Do you have an idea for a startup in India? 

If so, you should learn how to grow it into a successful business. This involves sowing the seeds of your concept, nurturing it with the right resources and environment, and monitoring its growth with meticulous care. With dedicated effort you will eventually reap the rewards of your hard work.

Startup India

The Government of India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the Startup in India initiative to boost economic growth and attract talented entrepreneurs to the country.

The objective of this program is to recognize and encourage startups across India. As a result, this industry has gained considerable popularity among Indian citizens as start-ups have become increasingly popular.

It takes exceptional talent and hard work to stand out and succeed in an increasingly competitive environment.

Getting Ready to Launch Your Startup

Ensuring Three Things Before Starting a Startup Company in India:

  • If you are passionate about your startup idea and believe it can address a market gap, be prepared to put in a lot of hard work. 
  • The journey won’t always be easy; sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and you need to accept failure. 
  • Don’t give up; stay determined and keep working towards success. With dedication and perseverance, you will eventually achieve your goal.

If these three points make sense to you, let’s look at the step-by-step process of starting a startup business in India.

Registering Your Startup With Startup India: Steps to Follow


Step 1. Incorporating Your Business

To incorporate your business, you must choose between setting up a Private Limited Company, Partnership Firm, or Limited Liability Partnership. For each business structure, you must follow the appropriate registration process and submit the required applications and documents to the Registrar of Companies (ROC) when registering a Private Limited Company or LLP or the Registrar of Firms when registering a Partnership firm. Additionally, any applicable fees must also be paid along with your registration application.

Step 2. Evaluating the Viability of Your Startup Idea

If you have come up with a business idea to start a startup in India, it is important to research its feasibility and long-term potential. Examining the market gap, your opinion may help you decide whether it is worth moving forward to learn how to start a startup in India.

Ask Yourself  These Questions to Take a Step Further:

  • Is your idea going to solve a problem that a significant group of people face?
  • What is the expected revenue for your startup in the early stages?
  • Do you believe there is a market for the product/service you want to offer?

To evaluate the viability of your business concept, you must research relevant market surveys and analyze your competitors.

Step 3. Be Prepared with a Business Plan

After assessing the feasibility of your startup idea, crafting a business plan is essential. This document should offer an overview of the whole enterprise and provide information about: 

  • The company’s purpose 
  • The opportunities and size of the market 
  • Any issues that need to be resolved 
  • The business model 
  • Administrative and organizational structure 
  • Operational details 
  • Financial projections 
  • Advertising strategies

A comprehensive business plan in place will provide you with a bird’s-eye view of the entire startup process, enabling you to make informed decisions about launching your startup in India.

Step 4. Securing Funds to Launch a Startup

Starting a business requires adequate planning and access to funding. Depending on the type of business you are beginning, you may need to arrange capital from several sources.

Here are some ways to get funding for your startup: 

  1. Secure a loan or line of credit from a bank or financial institution. This is often the most common way for startups to access funding, as it can provide larger amounts at competitive interest rates. Be sure to research all available options and compare lenders before making a decision.
  2. Apply for grants and other government assistance forms in your area. Government agencies often have programs designed to help entrepreneurs start their own businesses, so investigate these opportunities thoroughly.
  3. Use crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe to raise money online from individual donors. This option allows you to directly reach out to potential investors/donors interested in financially supporting your venture. However, it helps if you’re prepared for the administrative burden of running an online campaign.
  4. Look into angel investors or venture capitalists who specialize in providing seed funding to startups with high growth potential but requiring more resources. These investors usually require a large equity stake in return for their investment, so make sure you understand the terms before agreeing to anything!
  5. Seek out family members or close friends who are willing and able to invest in your company and offer advice and guidance when needed. When starting any business venture, it is invaluable to have people around you who believe in your project!

Step 5. Register Your Startup Company

To register your company, you should consult a professional advisory company like JustStart to determine the best legal business type for you and guide you through the necessary steps and processes.

Step 6. Registering Company for Startup India Program

You can benefit greatly by registering your startup company in the Startup India initiative, run by the Government of India. This will get your company recognized as a startup by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), which will provide you with easy compliance, tax savings and IPR fast-tracking.

To know more about it, click here.

Step 7. Secure Your Intellectual Property Rights: Apply Now

You should obtain the necessary intellectual property rights to legally protect your startup business. This includes registering trademarks for your business name and logo, ownership of the domain name for your company, and any other creative assets that can be used commercially. Doing this will help prevent other businesses from using the same name or logo for their own purposes.

Step 8. Strengthen Your Business with Digital Marketing

Having a strong web presence is essential for any startup company. To ensure your business stands out, there are several steps you can take: 

  • Designing a visually appealing website that accurately conveys your company’s identity.
  • Creating accounts on popular social media websites

And selecting the appropriate mix of marketing methods to boost visibility. Doing so will help you reach potential customers in today’s increasingly digital world.

Step 9. Start Your New Project: Rent a Workspace

n the beginning, a home-based office or a small rented space should be able to meet the needs of your core team and manage operations. However, as you grow, it may be beneficial to invest in an attractive workplace in a profitable business location that offers all the amenities you need. This is especially important when customers and investors are expected to visit your business.


Setting up a startup company in India may seem daunting initially, but following the nine important steps we have discussed, you can get started.

To be successful will require patience and a thorough understanding of these processes. We can look to companies like Flipkart, Ola, Zomato, and Oyo for inspiration; These were all startups too! It takes an entrepreneurial mindset and lots of hard work to make it in the world of startups.

If this article has been useful, please share it with your friends looking to get their startup off the ground. 

Also, leave us a comment if you have any queries or feedback; we’d love to hear from you! 

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